arrived Oct. 16 at 2:52AM. She was 6lbs. 5oz and 19 in. long. The birth was amazing, but I will save that story for another day. We are so thankful for our little blessing from the Lord. She is such a good baby and she smiles all the time. Really...I have never seen a baby this young smile so much. All of us are really loving having a baby around the house again:)
Cam is very protective and loves to talk to Adyson. Ahh.. so tired!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Adyson Mae
Posted by Mummert Family at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Girls "Ladybug" Room
I know, I have not posted in forever. My hubby was so awesome and got me a new camera for our anniversary. So, watch out the pictures will be coming!! Here is the girls room that we all love. Bailey is so proud to show off her room and so excited she will be sharing a room with Adyson. Only 3 1/2 weeks to go and we will get to see our new little one in her room.
Posted by Mummert Family at 9:02 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Please Pray
The kids and I are headed to Idaho tomorrow for two weeks. They are super excited to see their Grammy and Papas and Cousins. Bailey asks me a few times everyday is it time to go to Grammy's yet? We will be spending the first week mainly just hanging out. Cam has a Doctors Appt. and I have a meeting, but that is about all that is on the agenda. The second week I will be working at a Conference. Please pray for me as I am still not feeling 100%. Still not sleeping much at night and my cough seems to have gotten worse again. Please pray God will give me the strengh and energy I need. I will be working very long days, and...I won't get my afternoon nap!!
Please pray for the kiddos as well. I probably won't be seeing much of them the second week. And they won't see their Daddy for 2 weeks. Distance form Daddy is always a little tough.
Hope you all have a Happy 4th! Thanks for praying for us!
Posted by Mummert Family at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
IT'S A...???
We are all super excited. Cam doesn't think he is excited about having another sister but her really is! We can't wait to meet her. It was so fun to get a little gllimpse at her today. Esp. since the ultrasound guy used the 3-d one just for fun. Wow! We are saw her chewing/swallowing and moving all around. Says she looks really healthy. Thank you Lord.
Posted by Mummert Family at 2:45 PM 4 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Mummert happenings!!
Well, I have posted pics here and there, but haven't really expanded on what is going on in our lives. Now my camera is broken so I have to use my other one that I have to get the pics taken off at the photo shop. Doesn't happen too often.
Clancy is still working at Les Schwab. We are thanking the Lord they have not laid him off permanantly and the store has not decided to close its doors. 3 people from his store have gotten permanantly laid off and 3 Utah stores are closing. Thank you Lord for your provision!!
He is also trying to start his own business. It is mobile mechanic service. He has gotten some business, but it is hard to get something started when you work full time, and we don't really know how to market to get his name out there.
He is very involved in our AMAZING church. He helps out with the music power point, and fills in elsewhere when needed. He is in a Leadership training class that he really loves and joins the elders in prayer every Wed. morning. Oh, and the Sat morning mens Bible study.
He decided to take a year off from bull riding. It has been hard on all of us. I didn't think I would miss going to the rodeos as much as I do. We went to one and it was so hard for Clancy to sit and watch and see his buddies compete that I think we will not be going to many more this year. If the Lord provides health and finances I think he will be back at it next year. Although, I don't know to what extent.
In the mean time he has become an avid fisherman and golfer. A lot safer and cheaper!! We enjoy taking our canoe on the lake with the kiddos.
I am a full time stay at home mom. I think I can finally say for the first time I love it!! It was really hard for me at first. Now I don't know how I had the time to work and be a good wife, mom and keeper of the house.
My pregnancy has been different this time. I am more tired and was more sick the first 4 months. I am over morning sickness now, but have had some kind of upper respitory thing going on for over 5 weeks. I hope it is finally over!!
We have decided to do a home birth with this baby! I am super excited, but with this also comes more preparation. You can't just pack your bag and go to the hospital. I want my house to be super super clean and organized when the baby comes. We are pushing to finish our basement in due time. I am trying to eat more healthy and exercise. Actually, I had to sign a contract with my midwife that I would! It has been harder since I have been sick. I think it takes more mental prep to do a home birth as well. Lots of reading and mental focus. For those of you that have had the opportunity to deliver in WR valley- be thankful . Those doctors and hospital are amazing places to birth if you want to do things naturally. Not so much here.
I planted a bigger garden this year and so far everything looks beautiful!! I am so excited. This is the first time I have planted one without my moms help.
Lately people like to call me the coupon queen! I love shopping with coupons and have saved a ton of $$. I usually save 50-75% everytime I shop. I don't know how we made it before!
We have decided to home school the kids this fall. I thought I would never do it because I didn't particularly like being home-schooled myself. After much prayer and consulting with Livia(good friend and pastors wife) and others both Clancy and I think it is for the best for our kids at this time. Will we do it next year?? Who knows? we are taking one year at a time. This year we are going to meet at or church 3 days/ week and conduct school with 3 other families. We are really praying this ministry will evolve into a Christian school. A much needed thing in Utah County.
It has kept me busy preparing. We could all use your prayers for this upcoming school year.
Cam is a big 5 now! He is an amazing kid. He is reading a little bit and is very attentive to things. He just learned to ride a two wheel bike so he spends most of the day crusing around! He also started playing t-ball this year. He says he really likes it and likes to go to practice and the games, but when we are there he doesn't have much motivation to learn the sport and be aggresive with it. I guess his competitive mommy needs to just take a chill:)
He loves to go to church! He loves to wake up early and go with his daddy.
He loves books and being read to. He keeps his Bible by his bed with a book mark and we try to read every night.
Bailey is 4. She is still so sweet and innocent. A little shy when first meeting people, but watch out she has come out of her shell! She loves babies. Every morning she asks me to play babies with her. I often find her in her room changing her babies diaper, cooing with them, changing clothes, feeding them ect... She is such a great "mommy". I can't wait to experience having this new baby around with her.
She as well loves church, and she loves to sing. I find her with her little Bible singing to her babies!
She has made many friends at church and she loves being with them. She loves spending time with her big bro as well and loves watching him play t-ball.
I think we will get them in swimming lessons this summer and try to do as much camping as possible. It might be a little tougher next summer with the new little one.
Most of all we love speding time as a family and hope to do lots more of it!
I hope to get a new camera soon and catch you up on all the photos. For now, I hope you enjoy catching up with us!
Posted by Mummert Family at 3:24 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Easter outfits!
I am not sure where Cam is whenever the camera is out. I never seem to get any good shots of him. We decided since we haven't bought Easter outfits the for a while we would all get one this year. I even talked Clancy into not wearing "western"! He looked awesome! And you can see my belly at 14 weeks. I went to see my midwife yesterday and she told me I am measuring 20 weeks, but I am only 17 weeks. Oh goodness!! Bailey and clancy matched much better than Clancy and I!
Posted by Mummert Family at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
She kinda liked to hide on this one. I didn't record her other dance on this camera, so can't post is here. She sure likes to move those hips!!:)
Posted by Mummert Family at 6:47 PM 0 comments