The kids and I are headed to Idaho tomorrow for two weeks. They are super excited to see their Grammy and Papas and Cousins. Bailey asks me a few times everyday is it time to go to Grammy's yet? We will be spending the first week mainly just hanging out. Cam has a Doctors Appt. and I have a meeting, but that is about all that is on the agenda. The second week I will be working at a Conference. Please pray for me as I am still not feeling 100%. Still not sleeping much at night and my cough seems to have gotten worse again. Please pray God will give me the strengh and energy I need. I will be working very long days, and...I won't get my afternoon nap!!
Please pray for the kiddos as well. I probably won't be seeing much of them the second week. And they won't see their Daddy for 2 weeks. Distance form Daddy is always a little tough.
Hope you all have a Happy 4th! Thanks for praying for us!
Hanging Chaise Lounger Hammock Chair with Canopy
22 hours ago
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