We started out the day at Sayaka's with yummy pizza and sno-cones. Then we headed to Thanksging Point Gardens. we had planned on just checking out Discovery park but then got lucky and got to go to the BIG gardens for free. It was such a treat, but I think we were all a little tired and ready to go home at the end of the day.
Angela hard at work making sno-cones Haruhi enjoying her sno-cone.
It is so neat to watch her. She was so shy and timid when we first met. She had only been in the US for about a month. what a shock for a 4 year old. Now, it is so neat to see her face light up when we get together. She loves playing with Cam and Bailey. Even though they cannot really communicate with words yet!
Cam and Bailey are feeling so spoiled!
Bailey at Discovery Gardens

The magnificent man made waterfalls
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